
One of The Evil

Born in Bucharest in 1981, Malumer did not really live more than a small part of the grotesque dictatorship of Ceausescu, deposed by his own leaders and shot along with his wife in an effort by those leaders to make themselves forgive the past and carry all the horror and damage to the couple.    Although his parents were well connected with the regime, the stories of victims, relatives and neighbors have convinced him that evil has an important presence in our world and that our ability and willingness to confront this EVIL with capital letters is very scarce...


Very aware of respect for people and the environment, her art wants to develop that facet of kindness that she considers an essential part of every human being. She has exhibited her work in various countries such as Nigeria, Angola, Mozambique to focus on the digital universe after her return to Europe, where she explores the new universes and the role of people in them through unknown personalities

India for Apes

The consciousness of the great past and the newness of the present sometimes produces an abrasive reaction. As a land of minorities, the modern India has become the hallmark of our modern digital economy…


 Away from the hustle and bustle of the tourist areas in Lisbon, the city still has a few well-kept secrets, with “ruas” that don’t attract as many tourists, but are the perfect spot to relax on a sunny day and to enjoy an amazing view of the real and perhaps unknown city